Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Procrastinate...such a nasty word.

Is it procrastination or postponement when you KNOW you should begin putting the Kilz on the bathroom cabinets and watch The View? I think we all know the answer to that one! I think I would put that in the category of "Big Project Beginnings" and know that I REALLY don't want to start that when I have a dental appointment in the afternoon. Exactly. On the other hand, I could have had the whole dang thing done by now, had I started that project at 6:00 a.m. I didn't. Live with it, Lana.

It's also a day for getting seriously started back on my "food watch." I've lost 12.5 pounds since the 26th of December and now I'm at a plateau. Also known as I've-eaten-more-than-I-need-to-and-some-of-the-wrong-foods for the past 4 days. I'm feeling it. Amazingly easy for me to think that baking cookies with my grandson will be the best thing for a Tuesday afternoon. It's the best thing to feed my sugar/carb addiction, but not the best thing for me. Start again.


Jeanne said...

You can start the cabinets tomorrow - It's a NEW day! And congrats on the weight loss. I started a diet in January, was pretty darn good cutting back lots and lots (even my beloved Dr. Pepper!)... went to the doctor, weighed - and had gained 2 pounds.
SERIOUSLY!!! YIKES! But just trying to take it one day at a time and make life changes - not temporary changes. Love ya lots!
And here's a link to my latest bathroom makeover.

G.L.H. said...

Thank you for coming by and visiting my blog! It is nice to hear from someone who remembers those old department stores (and yes, hosiery in boxes!)

I see by your profile you love Kate Hepburn, James Taylor, John Denver, and Mr. Rogers. I think we shall get along very well, indeed...


Shabbee Chick said...

LANA!!!! Have you had a blog all this time and never told me. I'm not speaking to you now...