Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Day after The Day after

Uck! That's about all I have to say about stomach viruses throughout my daughter's family...which attached to me, too, after the fact at their house! Hopefully we're all headed in a positive direction; weaker, still a little queasy, but better.
I'm ready for some springtime sunshine and some open windows. Fresh air sounds so good.

I am thrilled that I've had one comment posted on my cheap little blog site! (Thank you, Clare!) Gosh, what a wonderful thing to check this out today and see that "1 comment"! I guess everyone loves the attention of being heard.

If I DID the number of things that I THINK ABOUT when lying awake at night (or in the early morning hours) I would have so much done here at this house! So many things would be organized! So many cards would be mailed! So many items of clothing would be pressed, hung, sorted, and boxed! So many pictures would be stored in nice albums and written in the margins would be stories for my children.
Not yet. I need a shower.

Some friends of mine are joining me in starting a book group. I can hardly wait to see what this will all become. Being sixty-plus has real advantages; you just don't care about the trivia anymore. It's wonderful! We think we all have something to say and that's good. We all think we have something to learn and that's good, too.

I will publish this and then grab a picture from who-knows-where to add to my post this weekend. I'm still learning and I'm slow!

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Glad you are feeling better! Book group? Tell me more... oh and go take a shower.